
WEFI is a deflationary token that utilizes a perpetual growth strategy to foster long term sustainable growth.


Team and KYC Verification

The team has securely submitted their personal information to SolidProof.io for verification.

In the event of any fraudulent activities, this information will be promptly reported to the relevant authorities to ensure accountability and compliance.

Show KYC Certificate

Real-Time Threat Detection

Real-time threat detection, powered by Cyvers.io, is currently not activated for this project.

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On-Chain Insights

Smart Contract Audit

Select the audit
Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Symbolic Execution SWC Check Manual Review
Contract address
Network BNB Smart Chain - Testnet
License N/A
Compiler N/A N/A
Type N/A
Language Solidity
Onboard date 2022/10/24
Revision date In progress

Summary and Final Words

No crucial issues found

The contract does not contain issues of high or medium criticality. This means that no known vulnerabilities were found in the source code.

Contract owner cannot mint

It is not possible to mint new tokens.

Contract owner cannot blacklist addresses.

It is not possible to lock user funds by blacklisting addresses.

Contract owner cannot set high fees

The fees, if applicable, can be a maximum of 25% or lower. The contract can therefore not be locked. Please take a look in the comment section for more details.

Contract cannot be locked

Owner cannot lock any user funds.

Token cannot be burned

There is no burn function within the contract.

Ownership is not renounced

Contract can be manipulated by owner functions.

Scope of Work

This audit covered the following files listed below with a SHA-1 Hash. The Team mentioned above provided us with the files that need to be evaluated.

The auditing process follows a routine series of steps:
  1. Review the specifications, sources, and instructions provided to SolidProof to ensure we understand the smart contract's size, scope, and functionality.
  2. Manual review of code, which is the process of reading source code line-by-line in an attempt to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  3. Specification comparison checks whether the code does what the specifications, sources, and instructions provided to SolidProof describe.
  4. Test coverage analysis determines whether the test cases are actually covering the code and how much code is exercised when we run those test cases.
  5. Symbolic execution is analyzing a program to determine what inputs cause each part of a program to execute.
  6. Based on the established industry and academic practices, recommendations, and research, best practices review smart contracts to improve efficiency, effectiveness, clarity, maintainability, security, and control.
  7. Specific, itemized, actionable recommendations to help you take steps to secure your smart contracts.

A file with a different Hash has been intentionally or otherwise modified after the security review. A different Hash could be (but not necessarily) an indication of a changed condition or potential vulnerability that was not within the scope of this review.

Final Words

The following provides a concise summary of the audit report, accompanied by insightful comments from the auditor. This overview captures the key findings and observations, offering valuable context and clarity.

  • Owner can set
    • referralCommissionPercentage without any limitation
    • tokenPriceInWei without any limitation
      • We recommend you not to calculate with the internal price. Use a service instead where you get the current price of the token.
  • The owner has generally no limitations while setting values
  • Owner can take out
    • the natives from contract with "withdrawBnbBalance" function
    • the tokens from tokenAddress with "withdrawContractTokenBalance" function

Files and details

Findings and Audit result

low Issues | 1 findings


#1 low Issue
State variable visibility

State variable visibility is missing. Add an explicit state visibility (public private etc.)

optimization Issues | 2 findings


#1 optimization Issue
State variables that could be declared constant (constable-states)

Add the `constant` attributes to state variables that never change.


#2 optimization Issue
Public function that could be declared external (external-function)

Use the `external` attribute for functions never called from the contract.

informational Issues | 1 findings


#1 informational Issue
Require error message is missing

We recommend you to add an error message to all require statements to inform the investor when an error is thrown